How to buy your car cheaper, 5 tips from specialists to get there for sure

29,155 euros: this is the average price paid last year by the French to afford a new car, according to the 2022 Automotive Barometer from This is a new record amount, 16.22% higher than in 2021 (25,085 euros).

According to Jonathan Luck, founder of Caroom, “increasing manufacturing costs have led car manufacturers to review their list prices”.

To make matters worse, “shortages of electronic components caused by the health crisis have reduced the level of vehicles in stock,” he adds.

Tighter negotiating margins at dealers

In this context, negotiation margins are more difficult among dealers.

Thus, according to the website, last year, buyers obtained a discount of 16.95% on average on their new car, a level 5.5 points lower than that recorded in 2021.

However, according to the specialists we interviewed, it is possible to achieve more by thinking outside the box. For example, by switching to a model whose production will soon stop. Generally, dealers are more open to negotiation to sell these models at the end of their career which may be difficult to sell later.

To put all the chances on your side, you should nevertheless regularly follow automotive news in order to find out about future range renewals from car manufacturers. But, at the same time, you will also be informed of the launches of special series, generally over-equipped compared to their basic models. They often benefit from customer benefits that can amount to several thousand euros, which is far from negligible in these times.

Use an agent

Another solution, in particular, if you are looking to acquire a state-of-the-art model: call on auto agents.

They often offer reductions “which can range from 5% to 45% on the list price”, indicates Jonathan Luck. To succeed in offering such discounts, these professionals buy new cars in large quantities directly from automobile distributors. For example, to obtain the best prices, they do not hesitate to source their products abroad. Indeed, in general, “French tricolor manufacturers are often inclined to further reduce their margins in certain European countries in order to gain market share,” adds Jonathan Luck.

Among the best-known automobile agents, we can cite Aramisauto, AutoJM, Degrif Cars, Elite-Auto, and Gaillard Auto. They all have a website, where it is possible to follow their best offers of the moment.

Remember to compare prices

Moreover, the web is undoubtedly the best place to find a good deal.

Indeed, you can find online price comparators, such as Autokoo, Kidiou or even Caroom, allowing, in a few clicks, to find out the best prices offered by car dealers and agents, for the new vehicle you are looking for.

Also note that most of these car comparators offer the possibility of carrying out a search based on the price, color or even the options of the vehicle, which can possibly help you discover new brands and/or new models more suited to your needs. your budget but also your needs, which you might not have thought of.

The icing on the cake is that if you have found what you are looking for on these sites, all you have to do is validate your request online. Then, “without paying anything, you will receive a free quote by email to finalize the transaction, indicating the contact details of the professional seller,” indicates Ouri Stopek, the founder of Kidioui.

Without forgetting the second-hand market

The fact remains that if you really want to save money, your best bet is to turn to the second-hand market. You can find vehicles in very good working condition, at very competitive prices compared to equivalent new models.

To avoid any unpleasant surprises, it is best to turn to professionals who are the only ones who can offer you a revised and guaranteed vehicle. And here again, it is possible to make good deals by surfing the internet.

Thus, “the Autohero online purchasing site, for example, permanently has a stock of several thousand checked and reconditioned vehicles,” indicates Manutea Dupont, vice-president and director at Auto1 Group and Autohero France. For each of them, a descriptive sheet is available online, presenting its main characteristics, the list of its available options, and of course a multitude of high definition photos (exterior/interior) of the vehicle in order to be able to judge from a distance its state.

Enough to allow you to buy your future used vehicle, with complete confidence, without even having to travel, the car can be delivered directly to your home. It is even possible to be offered a financing solution and a trade-in offer for your old vehicle.

Choose the best time to trade

Another element to take into account to get a good deal: take into account the best time to buy your car.

Indeed, according to Ouri Stopek, “at the end of the year, that is to say from mid-November, automobile distributors can seek to boost their sales if their annual objectives have not been achieved”. They are then more inclined to grant exceptional promotions to increase their turnover for the year.

Summer is also a preferred time of year because customers are generally rarer, which sometimes allows you to benefit from greater discounts on vehicle prices or to benefit from free equipment. Stop by before going on vacation this summer.

The biggest discounts granted on new vehicles in 2022

According to the online comparator, last year, the biggest discounts were obtained in the segment of city cars (-19.82% on average) and minivans (-18.33%).

Among the French manufacturers, note also that Renault granted more discounts (-24.12%) than the Stellantis group, with smaller discounts at Peugeot (-18.21%) and Citroën (-17.23%).

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To sum up

With the return of inflation, it is becoming more and more difficult to be able to buy a vehicle. However, by thinking outside the box, it is still possible to reduce the cost.


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