you will hardly see its service stations in France anymore and here is why

French motorists will see fewer and fewer Shell service stations. The oil company announces that it will close many points of sale to concentrate on the development of electric charging points.

Shell service stations closing France
© Shell

When going to a gas station to buy fuel, motorists have a wide choice of distributors such as BP, Total, Esso or even the points of sale of major retail brands. Of course, their priority remains to find where to pay for their diesel and gasoline at a low price.

Shell owns more than 85 stations in France, placing it as “ the second largest network for the distribution of fuels on major French roads “. A title that the oil company should lose since it will close 1,000 sites worldwide in the next two years.

Shell will close 1000 gas stations by 2025, what impact for motorists?

In its 2024 Energy Transition Strategy, Shell announces that it will close 500 gas stations this year then 500 more next year. The Anglo-Dutch oil company wants to focus on the development of its premium lubricants.

Read > Charging your electric car at home is 3 times cheaper than filling up with gasoline

Shell wants to supply “ key sectors of the energy transition, such as transformers used for offshore wind farms, and cooling fluids to support the development of electric vehicle batteries “.

If motorists who drive a car with a combustion engine will encounter fewer Shell petrol stations, it will be the opposite for owners of electric vehicles. By 2030, Shell wants to increase its number of charging points from 54,000 to around 200,000.

By the end of 2025, Shell should already have approximately 70,000 spaces equipped with charging stations around the world. The company will focus on the development of stations in China and Europe, according to its 2024 Energy Transition Strategy. Electric mobility is on the rise in these two markets.

Let's just hope that some motorists don't end up deprived of a nearby gas station if the Shell station was the only one in their area.

  • Shell announces the closure of 1,000 service stations worldwide over the next two years
  • The company wants to focus on the development of lubricants and electrical charging points
  • Shell wants to increase its number of charging points from 54,000 to around 200,000 by 2030

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