Growth in electric car sales slowed in February in Europe

These vehicles saw their market share stagnate at 12% in February, compared to 14.6% for the whole of 2023.

Growth in electric car sales slowed in February in the European Union, according to figures published Thursday by the Manufacturers' Association (ACEA).

Registrations of electric cars increased in volume in February 2024 (106,187 units, +9% year-on-year) like the entire market (883,608 units, +10.1%), compared to a month of February 2023 which was still slowed down by shortages of electronic parts.

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But after two years of strong growth, electrics saw their market share stagnate at 12% in February, compared to 14.6% for the whole of 2023.

This is notably the effect of a sharp decline in sales in Germany (-15.4%), the main European market, where purchasing aid was suddenly removed at the end of 2023.

Hybrid success

Sales of electric vehicles also remain low in other major markets such as Spain or Italy, but they have continued to grow in France (thanks to the social leasing system), Belgium and the Netherlands.

More dynamic than electric cars, sales of hybrid cars took the bulk of the sales growth in most countries with 255,511 units sold (+24.7% over one year).

Hybrids now represent 28.9% of the market and are increasingly following gasoline cars with their 35.5% market share (313,821 units, +6.1%).

While the sale of thermal engine cars will be banned in Europe in 2035, all manufacturers have increased their offering of hybrid and electric cars. But hybrids remain for the moment more accessible than electric ones, and more versatile.

Diesel cars continue to decline (113,891 units, -5.1%), despite a slight rebound in Germany. They represent 12.9% of the market.

Renault's decline

All engines combined, the new car market grew by 5.4% in Germany, 13% in France, 12.8% in Italy and 9.9% in Spain.

The Stellantis group primarily benefits from this increase with 172,268 cars sold (+12% and 19.5% market share), in particular thanks to a rebound in its Citroën brand.

The European leader Volkswagen also shows progress compared to the low comparison base of February 2023, with 25.9% market share (228,886 units, +9.8%).

The Renault group saw its market share decline to 10.4% (91,722 units, +5.8%).

The Toyota group, for its part, shows clear progress (+16.8%) and is tied with Hyundai-Kia (+2.3%), at 7.8% market share.

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