Stop torturing the Tesla Cybertruck!

Since its early days, the Tesla Cybertruck has been expensive. In the proper sense of the term. Wes Morrill, the chief engineer of the electric pickup, is fed up and he's making it known. He took to Twitter to ask owners to stop torturing their Cybertrucks.

It's time to stop torturing the Cybertruck

The Tesla Cybertruck has suffered the worst since its debut. Some shoot him with live ammunition or arrows, others test his resistance to fire. Not to mention the numerous videos where owners kick or sledgehammer their pickup to test the stainless steel. In short, the Cybertruck's life is not easy and this is starting to slightly annoy its designer.

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Wes Morrill, the man considered to be the model's chief engineer, spoke out on Twitter. He would like his baby » can finally « walk freely in complete tranquility “. In his message, he makes it clear that it is time to stop torturing the pickup. The engineer would also like to punish those who do not calm down and suggests “ make them wait a very long time to get replacement parts “.

How will Tesla react?

It is difficult to say whether his plea will succeed. It's a double-edged sword: either the engineer will be listened to like the Messiah and the owners will calm down with their Cybertruck. Either this statement will cause even more abuse. Its limited availability should normally encourage customers to take care of it. But it seems that ” to buzz » on the web is even more important.

Whatever happens, Tesla will have to provide replacement parts to owners. But is the brand ready to be selective about how it does it? How would she handle the situation if she had clear evidence that the vehicle was intentionally damaged? It's probably too early to tell. The Cybertruck is still experiencing its first moments.

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