Why will you hardly see Shell gas stations anymore?

The Anglo-Dutch oil giant will soon close many Shell service stations, and wants to develop its network of charging stations for electric cars.

When you need to refuel your car, several choices are available to you: for example, you can go to mass retail gas stations, or to major brands like Total, BP, Esso or even Shell. These signs are essential for all French motorists, but that may well change for the last…

1,000 Shell gas stations to close

Indeed, the Anglo-Dutch oil giant owns numerous Shell service stations: according to the brand's official website, there are more than 40,000 throughout the world, including more than 26,000 points of sale in Europe, and 2,500 service stations in France.
But this observation is likely to change in the years to come: Shell in fact wishes to sell off 500 service stations from this year 2024, and also 500 points of sale during the year 2025. In total, this would be 1,000 Shell service stations that would disappear worldwide by the end of 2025or around 2% of the brand's points of sale.
The reason for this change is energetic transition of Shell, which aims to reduce its CO2 emissions: for this, Shell will focus more on the production of premium engine oils and lubricants, but also develop its network of charging stations for electric carsto the detriment of that of traditional fuel at a service station.

200,000 charging points by 2030

In our regions, while access to service stations is increasingly complicated in rural areas, this announcement is not necessarily seen as good news.
But the electric car market is booming, and Shell therefore wants to bet big on it: worldwide, Shell currently has more than 54,000 public charging pointsinstalled in its gas stations, mobility centers, on the street as well as in places such as supermarkets.
It is this activity that Shell wishes to develop massively: in fact, the company plans to expand its network of electric charging stations around the world, which should reach a total of around 200,000 charging points by 2030.
A few months ago, the Anglo-Dutch oil giant inaugurated its largest charging station for electric vehicles in the world: located in Shenzhen, China, it has no less than 258 fast charging points, capable of recharging more than 3,300 electric vehicles per day.

Still in China, Shell is also developing “super stations”, such as that of Panlong, in Wuhan, which offers more than ten types of products and services: gasoline, diesel, hydrogen, electric vehicle charging, car wash, mini-market, restaurant , reception lounge…

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